my crest

Be it by these Presents known that a petition hath been submitted unto Representatives of the College requesting that the Armorial Bearings appertaining unto the aforementioned Armiger be Recognized and Registered. The President, acting under the authority of the Board of  Governors, duly surveyed the Petition and the Armorial Bearing presented, and deemed all thing to be in order and accurately represented. It is, therefore, with pleasure that We Recognize the Arms being rightfully borne and displayedby the Armiger, and do enter them in Our Archives and Records under Registration Number 1154, said Arms being Styled and Blazoned to wit:

Norgrove of Sonoma

Tierced in pairle, Ermine charged with a heart Gules; or three oak branches erect vert, fructed proper within an annulet Argent; Gules, a sinister gauntlet Argent garnished or, Above the shield is placed a Helmet with a Mantling Gules doubled Argent, and on a Wreath Argent and Gules is set for Crest, a praying mantis Argent before a flame Gules, and in anEscrol below the shield this Motto:                                        " Proven by Noble Deeds. "

Those descendants Registered to rightfully bear these Arms Solely include: the sons and daughters of Lance Charles Norgrove and Nicol Dejohn Norgrove, nee Martin.


To provide testimony of these proceedings, this Document hath been executed and the Presidentand members of the Board of Governors have hereunto set their hands and affixed the seal of the College this day before Almighty God and this society of Armigers.


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